Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rain Check

Hubby and I celebrated our anniversary today with "Happy Anniversary" texts this morning and, for something completely different, a date at the ballpark this evening.

That didn't last long.

We traveled down to Adams to see Carter's team play. We knew there was a chance of scattered showers. But when they say "scattered," you hope for the best and assume they will scatter around the ball field, not over it.

We did manage to get the top half of the first inning in the books. Carter batted second and made it to third before our third out. No score. The Adams team was up to bat and their leadoff hitter had just walked when we started to feel drops.

The mom next to me had just enough time to open her umbrella when the skies opened up. We grabbed our chairs and ran for our cars. I was soaked to the skin just going across the street!

Needless to say, our game was stalled and eventually called off. At least we didn't lose.

Came home and I went grocery shopping while the guys did their own things. We'll make up for it this weekend with some "real" baseball.

Our friends Mike, Christine and son Nate will be traveling with us to Cincinnati where Jim's Reds will host their Brewers. Should be fun. We are going to Chicago Friday (the 4th) and staying there to watch fireworks on the lake. Then we'll hit the road to Cincy for an afternoon game and stay overnight there.

Sunday we'll make the long trek home, stopping in Chicago just long enough to drop off Carter at Loyola University. He'll be spending July 6-13 there for the "National Youth Leadership Forum: Careers in Engineering & Technology." Basically, he will get some ideas on the what field he may want to pursue as we start looking at colleges this next school year. Let's not go there right now!

Needless to say, we may have had to take a rain check tonight on our anniversary, but we might make up for it with an empty nest for 8 days!

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