Tuesday, July 15, 2014

King Cone of Shame

One of the advantages of acquiring that inconvenient panic disorder two years ago is that I have a yearly physical. Sure, it's meant to make sure my mental health is deficient enough to renew medication, but it also keeps tabs on my physical health.

Or un-health.

When I checked in for my appointment, the medical assistant took my weight then asked my height. I told her I wasn't sure. I admitted I put 5'3" on my driver's license but I didn't think I was that tall. She measured me to be sure. And 5'2" it is.

In retrospect, I should have just told her 5'3" and lived with the lie.

After all the quick checks were taken, my doctor said my blood pressure is great (surprising after the car show), everything else is fine but he had to mention one thing. As a married man, I could tell he knew to carefully relay this message. "Now I don't have a problem with your weight, but according to the BMI chart, you are considered overweight. I am fine with it but since it's a government health guideline, I'm obligated to mention it to you."

If you don't know about BMI, your body mass index is determined by an equation involving your weight AND your height. For example, a person weighing 150 would be fine at 5'8" but in the "obese" category for us vertically challenged types.

The good news is that I am just 3 pounds over the mark. So either I grow one stinkin' inch or lose the trio.

I think we know what I have to do! In my defense, and I have witnesses (hubby and my BFF), I had every intention of starting my "healthy living" program right after the car show. Knowing it would test all my willpower to behave during trips to Chicago and beyond, plus deep-fried food at the car show, I thought it was wise to wait until I could give it full attention. This week.

Had I started just a few days earlier, perhaps I could have avoided the Cone of Shame.

Guess that will have to replace my King Cone once in awhile! But not always.

I am not going on a DIET. I hate that word. It will make me destined to fail before I even start. I don't want to throw out that "It's a lifestyle change" line I've used before either. But I hope it is.

By "healthy living" I merely meant choosing healthy portions and healthy selections more often. (Don't deny myself treats or I'll binge.) It also means mental and spiritual health, too. I need to cleanse my soul and de-stress, and de-clutter my schedule, saying no more often instead of reluctantly volunteering because I feel I should!

This also means de-cluttering my mind (that's actually the easy part) and our house. I had planned to resume my "40 bags in 40 days" Lenten pledge. Not sure if I kept my written list, but I pretty much could start anywhere.

Baby steps, though, for all of this.

Due to my chronic hip pain, which I actually did mention to the doctor finally, I now have some stretches to do to help me limber up and get moving again. I definitely have to ease myself into the walking/running thing. Just like I need to ease into the rest of my newly invented "program." If I go too far too fast, I will burn out or injure myself.

I can't go too slow, though. Or the Cone of Shame will remain in place!

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