Friday, July 18, 2014

House Ahhh-Rest

The phrase "Home, Sweet Home" is underrated. Sometimes it is so good to just be home!

I realized glancing at the calendar today that is has been weeks and weeks and weeks since we did not have to go anywhere for part or all of a weekend. Now, only a few small time requirements and the rest of my weekend is free.

Free to be a homebody. Free to relax. Free to clean and declutter. Free to not do that. Ha.

Today was the Assumption Royal Scramble golf outing to raise money for the Athletic Association. Carter had to work at it this morning and hubby golfed in it this afternoon, then attended the prime rib dinner and beverage extravaganza. So I was pondering a "Chick Flick Friday" at home. But the neighbors had a campfire and that was a far better option since I haven't been around much to actually SEE people.

I had a few projects to get done at home first. I had purchased some DIY shelf things at ShopKo to put together for my Scrap Cave. Since I didn't have any muscle men around, I was hoping to use the battery-operated screwdriver. Found it but it was not charged.

So I went next door. Felt like a gearhead asking for an electric screwdriver instead of a cup of sugar. But it worked. Got what I needed and successfully assembled two of them. Will have to spend more time organizing around them in my Office/Scrap Cave when I have time. Wanted to take advantage of the relaxing fire, though, so that "work" will have to wait.

I did get vacuuming done but the rest of my Saturday chores will also have to wait ... until Saturday.

If I get around to it. I know my housework has been neglected, but let's not forget what Mr. Deck Chair does when he is neglected! Better make sure I carve out some time for him.

That'll keep me on the homefront for awhile anyway. Then... who knows?

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