Thursday, August 21, 2014

De Deutsch Countdown

I don't sprechen any Deutsch, so I will just type in English... The countdown has begun.

According to German teacher "Frau" T., the flights are booked and Carter leaves for Germany in just 297 days! (That's June 15 and we will mark it on your 2015 Assumption Music Calendar for you when you buy one from Carter later this fall!)

In a unique twist, they are flying Icelander airlines instead of a German airline, which means they will be touching down in Iceland before the last leg to Germany. Uff da. Carter will be to more countries than I was to states before he graduates!

Very cool for him. He misses his "brother" Lukas and can't wait to meet his family. I wish there was a way to sneak in on this trip, but they have their chaperones set and I am not squeezing into a suitcase for endless hours.

Though it would be worth it. We miss our boy. Some day we'll see him again. I know it!

In the meantime, Carter's process of getting a passport and all that will begin as soon as school starts. He'll still be fundraising (hint, hint), but I'll keep you posted on that, naturally.

For now, I've got less than 300 days to plan what we're sending over with Carter... and how we'll fill our time back in the States the month he is gone! Hmm...

297... 296... 295...

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