Friday, August 22, 2014

Just Chillin'

How does one "chill out" when it is 86 degrees and the humidity feels like 186?


You'd have to be hiding under a rock not to have heard of or seen video footage of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Unlike this spring's "Cold Water Challenge," which quickly lost its purpose and became dangerous in some instances, this challenge has legs.

Many people (from kids and grandmas to celebrities and presidents) are either opting out of the challenge by donating to ALS at, or are accepting the Ice Bucket Challenge AND donating. That's what the Austins are doing.

I was not nominated, but our terrific trio at work decided to be proactive, pushing for donations, but sacrificing ourselves in the heat. Ha. It was definitely a chilly wake-up call at the office today!

See the video here...

Oh but wait, we're not done! Jim was nominated, too!

See his video here....

Apparently, Carter participated in one at school, too, with his cross country team, but I have yet to see physical (i.e. visual) evidence. I'm sure he did it. It would feel great after an hour-long run, wouldn't it?

Oh wait... this just in...

Check out his brief video here:

Do you feel any cooler yet?? I might just turn the A/C off.

Ha. No.

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