Thursday, August 7, 2014

Un-Paved with Good Intentions

I surmise that if the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then the road to hell-th must be unpaved with good intentions. It is not an easy journey.

Found this cartoon today and this captures some of my daily good intentions...

It had me giggling out loud for a few reasons... Obviously, my hubby's name is Jim, but did you know his father's name is John? I don't intend to embarrass them by sharing, just pointing out how easy it would be SAY I went to the Jim, er gym, but I wouldn't get away with it for long before an observant bystander would notice I show no signs of a visible physical transformation.


I have a few people to thank for pushing me down the correct, unpaved path... My oh-too-honest doctor... My hubby who walks around the lake every morning before I even leave the house... My dear "wellness advocate" friend who is healing my hip and my mind naturally... My inspiring BFF who has shown pure determination in sticking to her healthy eating plan and shedding pounds weekly... And my twin sister, who has now caught the running bug!

When my twin told me (and my siblings) months ago she was signing up to do a 5K on Sunday, Aug. 10, I just couldn't commit at that time. My hip was bothering me too much and I hadn't been running at all – and scarcely walking.

After that "overweight" wakeup call during my physical, thankfully accompanied by new hip stretches, I was feeling more hopeful. Embarrassed, but hopeful. When I asked my twin again a few weeks ago if anyone signed up to do the 5K with her, Raylene said no one had. I didn't want her to do it alone so I said I would join her.

That has forced me to start my running routine from square one. You other runners know what this is like. You want to just go out there and run but realize (if you're my age at least) you better ease back into it. Really ease back into it. Do some combination of walking and running. I am not going to push it and put myself back even further than square one if that is possible.

Turns out, since the twinster is a new runner, we are both prepping the same way for this weekend's event. Run... walk... run... walk... We're not out to win any races, we just want to be able to do it together and cross the finish hand in hand in triumph. No matter what our finishing time, I am grateful to her for getting me started again (that's always the hard part), because when I do the run part of my run/walk, it feels so good. I missed that!

My neighbor Cindy has been my best pain-management support. She cooked up (literally) a wonderful combination of Essential Oils that dig deep in my muscles and joints and eases that pain. Between that and stretching, I am determined to stay on that unpaved path to health. There is more to be said about what these oils have done for me but I will save that for another blog. It is amazing stuff and shouldn't be glossed over in a side note.

So even though I did not hit Jim or the gym today, I did get a 5k run/walk in. And lived without limping to tell about it.

Progress down the right path...

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