Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Got to Go to GNO

Every month there is a group of wonderful women from the Rapids area who gather socially for a Girls' Night Out. Or, as we simply call it, GNO.

I can count on one hand how many times I have been able to attend over the past few years. And I can't think of why. Since they mostly meet on Wednesdays, my scheduling conflict used to be confirmation. You know, back in the days we had to drive Carter everywhere. But after that, I'm not sure what filled up my calendar and prevented me from joining them.

Thankfully, they didn't take it personally and continue to invite me back each month!

Last week, when I noticed the calendar was still clear, I wrote it in INK! So tonight I finally got to go to GNO!

We met up at Anchor Bay Bar & Grill for dinner, drinks and chit-chat. What a beautiful night on the Wisconsin River. Slight breeze and temps that actually called for a light jacket for comfort. Very nice.

The first to arrive were my scrappin' soul sistah Jenny (left in photo) and BFF Christine. While I forgot to actually "focus" the phone camera, we at least remembered to smile! The three of us haven't been together in months. That was a treat in itself.

And while it was an evening away from home and hubby and kids, we still managed to sneak in conversations about all three. Still was relaxing, though! Every girl deserves a night out once in awhile – even if I did have to call it an evening early to get some work done.

Next month, maybe I'll get lucky and I can write it in INK and not have a self-imposed curfew.

Look out, world... This girl might stay up past bedtime!

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