Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Oil and Water

Some things just don't get along well with each other. Take oil and water as an example, you can mix them together and shake as hard as you like, but they'll never become friends.... or will they?

A science experiment will prove that adding some dish washing liquid or detergent to the two components does the trick. Detergent is attracted to both water and oil helping them all join together and form something called an emulsion.

Does that work on humans?

I may not be a scientist but I can prove – in a spiritual and emotional way – that is does.

If you are a twin, you probably understand the concept of oil and water. Raylene and I have definitely played the roles throughout our lives.

As children, our mom created that "emulsion," bringing us together by dressing us alike, even though we were not identical. Our family and, well, everyone we knew pretty much created that "emulsion" calling us "the twins," rather than addressing us or treating us individually.

By the time we were the typical moody teenagers, we rejected all outside emulsifying agents and separated as much as possible. At school we were competing for friends. At home we were competing for attention and approval. We were at odds far more than we were ever together in our petri dish called life.

One of us wanted to be water. One of us wanted to be oil. It didn't matter which was which, as long as we were an individual component.

After high school, we accomplished that, going our separate ways and, sadly but predictably, disconnecting. But we became individuals finally, making our own friends, our own families, our own career paths, our own choices.

At some point, thank the Lord, Ms. Oil and Ms. Water matured. Scientifically, I am sure that does not happen. In real life – our lives – it did.

As if we were floating in a bottle, every time our lives would experience a shakeup of sorts, we'd come together again, bonding and supporting. When the bubbles settled, we'd separate again. Over time, our maturity, our appreciation and respect for each other and, simply, our once-resistant love for each other began to serve as the "emulsion" to keep us together – and there for each other.

It has been a rough growth process in our petri dish, with lots of shakeups along the way, but it's looking like a successful experiment. If you want proof, take a look at this "photo finish" image a photographer shared today from Sunday's race.

Oil and Water – in the form of Vikings and Packer fans or twin sisters – do mix!

Very well, thank God.

Thanks for your support, Loving Sister!

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