Friday, August 8, 2014

Tying Thy Knot

Can't decide which is worse, showing up at a party the only ones in costume or showing up at a costume party without one? Hubby and I learned tonight we can survive being the plainsclothes partiers.

Or in this case, wedding guests.

When we RSVP'd to a wedding reception party at the nearby Lions Park, we had no idea there would be anything there but the post-nuptial celebration. Instead, we drove in through a time machine that took us back to the Middle Ages.

Unbeknownst to us, the Shire of Falcon's Keep (hailing from the Kingdom of Northshield) was hosting the 22nd annual Poor Man's Pennsic. A quick wiki on that... The hosts are a part of the Society for Creative Anachronisms, an international non-profit organization dedicated to recreating the customs and cultures of the Middle Ages.

That apparently applies to weddings! Or "handfasting" as they called them.

So even though we were not a baron and baroness, lord and lady, troll keeper or mistress, we were allowed to stay to celebrate with a longtime former co-worker of ours and his new bride. They officially tied the knot at the courthouse earlier in the day. But this evening, after some serious jousting battles (we had to sign a waiver to even watch), they were united in the handfasting ceremony.

Here are Lord Casey (in kilt, ha) and Lady Maryjane. And the preacher dude who I am sure has a very special name and medieval title, but it escapes me.

And here they are, literally tying the knot!

I tell you, it was the strangest event (wedding related or not) that either of us have attended. I guess everyone has their hobbies. I was just glad I didn't see anyone get their eyes poked out and no one was sent to the stocks for not dressing in costume.

The newlyweds were warned, however, that they must stay together forever or the powers of the universe would destroy them.

I wonder if that threat would work on Carter to keep him away from girls.

I seriously saw this sign posted down the street tonight. I can only hope Carter doesn't drive that direction any time soon!

Or thou young knight in shining armor wilst get into a spot of trouble!!

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