Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Vacation Dedication

All 3 of us took a vacation day to work at the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days over in Plover today. Not that we know or desire to know anything about farming. This was just to volunteer in neon yellow shirts at one of the food tents as a fundraiser for Carter's legion baseball program.

So even though it was a vacation day, we had to get up early as usual to hit the road before 7 a.m. Sound relaxing, eh?

Carter had gone to a friend's last night and ended up watching a movie. We told him he could ONLY if he was not a pain in the butt, whiny, tired kid today. (That was reserved for me!)

So this morning, when I learned Carter was up late last night watching Grease for the first time, I attempted to wake him with "You're the one that I want! Ooooh, hooo, hooo, honey!"

He says, "Now is not the time." And rolls over.

I'm like the Rodney Dangerfield of mothers. I get no respect!

Oh well, at least we were on the road in time and spent 7:30 a.m.-2 pm. taking food orders and filling them to hundreds and hundreds of customers. This is seriously a big event, expected to draw well over 100,000 in its 3 days. Since we had to use up a vacation day, we just worked one of the days. Our dedication only goes so far.

The event grounds (actually someone's farm land) are marked with street signs plus other identifying signs like this one.

Frankly, this sign has ALL the essentials as far as I'm concerned!

Yes, that is a King Cone sign there. There were 6 food tents and 2 King Cone ice cream tents. I had full intentions of checking one of them out after our shift. But, after standing for so many hours (with no caffeine either), we were all beat. We grabbed a sandwich and headed home.

Frankly, I would probably get a better deal PLUS more selection stopping at the regular King Cone tomorrow (if I feel I must). Ha.

Was nice to get home and still be on "vacation." Spent a few minutes with Mr. Deck Chair, listening to the last few chapters of my audio book. I guess I was tired. I fell asleep in the chair and just now had to re-listen to the last 10 minutes!

I guess my body knows the vacation should mean VACATION. Maybe I could get re-energized with some Grease!

Woo-hoo-hoo, honey!

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