Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Feeling Needed... Or Something

I was so excited to hear the Slim Shady ringtone at work. Was that my boy finally calling me? I mean we've chatted via messenger programs but not actually on the phone.

I was so excited and let out a big, "Hi there!" Only to hear, "My ATM card doesn't work and I only have about a half hour before we have to leave."

Some things never changed. Teenagers are definitely closest to their parents when they want money!

For our part, Jim had called the bank before Carter left so they knew he'd be making transactions overseas. With the latest "crisis," he called again and they said Carter had entered an incorrect PIN.

I recall vividly at the bank when we signed him up for his account that I urged him to pick an easy PIN that he would remember. He picked such an odd number combination, but he assured me, "Oh I won't forget that!"

Well I guess he did.

Lucky for the sanity of us  – and probably his travel-mates, too – he remembered the magical code in time. Would hate to run up yet another phone bill figuring that one out!

I have to admit it felt good to briefly be needed, no matter what the reason. Especially when I could actually hear him say, "Love you!"

Of course, he always says that after I give him money, but I'll pretend he misses me.

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