Saturday, June 13, 2015

Race to the Finish

When I say "race to the finish," I'm not talking about the 5K hubby and I did today. I am mainly referring to Carter getting packed for Germany. But more about that later...

Jim and I walked the Renaissance Race Against Cancer today. We sort of wished we ran it instead just to get it over with quicker. There was a steady light rain for the entire morning. And a bit of a breeze. Needless to say, I turned the heat on when we got home!

And needless to say, there are only BEFORE photos, not after. Just picture my BFF Christine and I looking like pretty drowned rats with tiaras at the finish line. Not good. But it was enjoyable to spend time and share the course with several people we knew.

In fact, Carter's cross-country team was represented well. While he and 2 other members were stuck taking their ACT test this morning, 3 others (right side) ran the race. Connor (bright green shirt) actually won the entire race! And there were hundreds of people participating. That's awesome!

Together we raised $28,000 to aid cancer patients right here in central Wisconsin. That's even more awesome!

The rest of the day was spent taking care of last-minute details for Carter's trip. We had to pick up his new phone with a better camera component, buy a few extra treats to share with his "other family" and coordinate their location in his suitcase.

Even though we've gone over the checklist a few times, it was 8 o'clock tonight when he asked for a 3-ring binder. Uff da. Who knows what he will forget.

We took a break to go out to eat for a goodbye dinner. We were joined by my sister Renell, who drove over from Minnesota today and is staying here before heading to a Packer event tomorrow. You'll hear more about that tomorrow.

For now I better get my boy home from the neighbor's so I can tuck him in one last time.

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