Thursday, June 18, 2015

Speed Bump

You know what's sad?

Not hearing from my boy all day. I am not handling this Empty Nesting dry run very well. And I knew I probably wouldn't. I was the big talker who said I'm sure our boy doesn't need a phone or need to check in. I changed that mindset. And now it's worse that he has one and doesn't use it appropriately (as in texting his mother).


You know what's sadder?

Hubby took me shopping for some golf clothes to cheer me up and I was reminded why I hate clothes shopping. I know size is "just a number," but ugh, that did not help my funk. Plus there wasn't a great selection at the 4 stores we went to, so I guess we'll have to shop next week before my birthday. I'm willing to try again.

You know what's the saddest?

The highlight of my day was our return trip from Stevens Point when I saw the speed limit has changed!

Yes, that pathetically is the highlight of my day. Now we can drive fast in Wisconsin like we do in Minnesota. I say "we" since I am surely not the only lead foot out there, am I?

I sure with I could adjust the speed of the next three weeks. But I am sure they will go way too fast for our baby. For me, well, hopefully we won't have so many speed bumps on the communication highway.

I do not have a license to handle this just yet!

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