Monday, June 15, 2015

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen...

Have Euros, will travel...

Since yesterday was "Sister Sunday," I didn't get a chance to touch on the fond farewell... Before Carter and the other 13 Assumption students and 2 chaperones hit the road yesterday, they had a brief goodbye ceremony at the school.

And by brief, I mean one of the local priests said a few words and blessed their journey. Then it was  a group picture by the bus...

I was thankful Jim was there to take photos and see our boy off (while I was busy with my sister). Every student going had hosted a German student last spring and, like Carter, will be staying at their partner's home. They were very, very excited!

Jim's sister Sherry took a nice father-son photo since Carter will be gone on Father's Day!

I may or may not have shed a tear when Jim texted me this photo yesterday. The bus took them to Minneapolis, where they flew Icelandic Air to Germany, touching down in Iceland to refuel. They landed in Germany this afternoon, about 5:30 a.m. our time since they are 7 hours ahead.

Was happy Carter landed safely in Germany. Not happy he forgot to turn off has mobile data roaming on his phone. Did you know it doesn't take much to rack up $6,000-plus in international charges? I am serious. Look up the many tales of woe on the Internet. I was in a bit of a panic when I started getting the "excessive international data use" alerts on my phone. Just a bit of a panic.

A sincere thank you, AT&T, for understanding teenage boys don't listen. It's all good now. We'll let him come back.

In the meantime, we are sooo jealous Carter gets to see his "brother" Lukas!

Lukas' mom emailed me some photos right away. She's been in my shoes. She knows I need to SEE that my baby is OK!
Gosh, those two look good. I can see they are going to have a great time. Hopefully, my son will find a frugal way to keep us updated now and then so we can share.

Until then, feel free to keep that group in your prayers! (Oh, and God grant me some serenity, too!)

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