Friday, June 5, 2015

Up in Smoke

A few weeks ago, Carter had mentioned he wanted a campfire with friends when the school year was done. He's done this a couple of times over the years with one or two people who join him in the ceremonial burning of their notebooks from the school year they just completed.

As part of his "goodbye" to junior year, he continued that tradition this evening, but had plenty of real firewood to keep a fire burning, too. And much more than just a pair of pals.

As I write this, he's got some 10 or 12 people sitting in the backyard, talking smart (like us grownups) and having fun. Good. He hasn't "hosted" a gathering like this so I am glad some friends showed up to reward his event planning and preparations.

He was a mini-me today, setting up chairs and a table by the fire ring, a garbage can, food, a cooler, a boombox/radio thing, etc. Very prepared. I am glad it was worth the effort.

Meanwhile, hubby and I went to see the Assumption baseball team play in a regional game in Pittsville. Pittsville is very good and we stuck with them through the first few innings. Tied it 4-4, then they took advantage of every little miscue and managed a 12-4 or 12-5 win. Ouch.

On our way home, we stopped at a bar on the northwest side of Rapids. Not just to stop, but because a friend of ours was holding a 50th wedding anniversary party for his parents. So we crashed the party and I got cake! It's all good, though. They were glad we crashed it and it was good to see them and their family.

Now we're home and I have to remind myself to stay out of the way. Not be the interfering mother. Stay in the house and let them have their fun. I'm sure the host with the most can handle it from here!

Just another school year up in smoke.

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