Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Room with a View

Carter's German teacher shared this photo today of the Assumption GAPP group attending  Wieskirche, a very famous Rokkoko pilgrimage church in southern Bavaria.

I suddenly find my "modern" Lutheran church boring! Look at the view! I just can't get over how ornate everything is. It's old. It's gorgeous! I'm pretty sure that I couldn't concentrate on what the priest was saying. I'd be too busy looking around.

I know Carter is taking lots of pictures. I imagine I'd be into the thousands by now with how much I love nature AND unique architecture. Everywhere he looks, there's a view of something different – in that beautiful, un-American way.

Frau said the group went to Wieskirche not only to see the church, but also to attend mass. "The Sakristant came up to their group and asked (two boys) to serve mass, which they did. This Sakristant is from Poland and spoke German with the boys. We were all very proud of them. The presiding priest also shared with the congregation in his opening remarks that they had two special servers, exchange students from America, assisting with mass. As you can see, the church is beautiful. We got to have a group picture taken on the altar after the service."

Very cool.

And then Frau broke our hearts with this update: "No one wants to go home, so I am sure there will be lots of tears next week."

You know what? I guess I wouldn't want to leave yet either! With just a teeny glimpse of all that they are seeing and doing, I'd feel like we were just getting started.

Carter still has another week over there to cram in as much culture and fun as possible. Meanwhile, I should get going on those projects around the empty nest that I planned to get done before his return.

I guess maybe time is flying on both sides of the globe.

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