Monday, June 29, 2020

Communing With Nature

Since it's Monday I can now officially say I'm on vacation. And sitting around on my "dairy air" as much as possible! And thinking up new puns, of course. You're welcome!

I have a couple daily vacation goals...

1. Enjoy my morning coffee with Mr. Deck Chair and just BE outside as much as possible. Be one with nature. When it's not raining, that is.

2. Appreciate the weather. Even rejoice in the rain. Good for crops and grass and my flowers... and definitely forced me inside to do the dusting, vacuuming, etc. I didn't get to this weekend. Glad to knock that off my list.

3. Stop and smell the flowers. Even make new friends!

You know I'm a sucker for brown eyes!

4. Eat the most important meal of the day: Ice Cream! Sorry, no photo. It was 80-some degrees today and it was melting fast!

5. Get 10,000 steps per day (so I can enjoy #4 guilt-free). Again, no photos because I was melting fast!

6. Get some yard work done.

This might not be a daily goal. I was going to do some work in the front and got distracted by this cute little bunny.

Much preferred to snakes. So maybe I just stay away from the backyard all together. Well, at least put it off another day.

7. Watch some TV that I want to watch or read or both. Did both today. Hubby gave me the remote at 6:30 p.m. and told me to watch Wheel of Fortune to "boost my self-esteem." 100% accurate statement. It always does. Ha.

Oh wow. Seven items? I better stop there before vacation starts looking like work!

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