Tuesday, June 2, 2020

In the Heat of Weather Watching Season

Whew! It's a hot one out there today! Well, for people outside anyway. I watched the temperature climb on my phone throughout the day, while dressed in layers in my air-conditioned office. We likely tied or set a heat record in Wisconsin Rapids today!

I got out after work and thought, what a nice to grill out and maybe kayak.

For record, I have a poor record with Mother Nature cooperating with my kayaking thoughts. We've paddled our butts off to beat lightning a time or two. And it's not fun. Glad we stayed home because it got dark early.

Why did I sit in my recliner and watch the radar for an hour? Because that's what we do for fun in Wisconsin. 

As the dark orange and red blobs approached Rapids, I just kept watching, wondering if we were going to get the high winds and hail reported elsewhere the storm visited. No thoughts of going down in the basement for safety. Just watching.

Like hubby and the neighbor. Sipping beers and watching the lightning from the "safety" of the garage. Good grief!

Thankfully, the first round was short-lived. I know the atmosphere is primed for a night of storms, so we'll see if we get that wind and hail. It would be totally a 2020 thing for it to hail on my car at the body shop before we determine what's going to be done with it.

Never complain about the state of affairs in 2020 and then ask out loud: "What next?"

Just don't.

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