Monday, June 22, 2020

Play Ball, Please

The latest news ticker says this: Players vote down MLB's latest offer to play 60 games, sources say

Ugh. I just really want to see my Twins play this summer. I want road trip in my new vehicle over the Twin Cities and take in a game with my family. Like last summer.

Instead, I'm stuck watching Classic MLB TV. And even if watching the exciting Game 7 of our World Series Championship never gets old. It's getting close.

I think Cincinnati Reds pitcher Trevor Bauer summed up my feelings best in his tweet: It’s absolute death for this industry to keep acting as it has been. Both sides. We’re driving the bus straight off a cliff. How is this good for anyone involved? Covid 19 already presented a lose lose lose situation and we’ve somehow found a way to make it worse. Incredible. 

I completely comprehend health concerns. But at this rate, when I finally get back to the office in person, it'll be football season already. (fingers crossed) Guess I should order a Vikings mask and skip a Twins one altogether. Not that fashion has anything to do with my desire to see a game. But if you see me walking around the neighborhood with my Homer Hanky wrapped around my head, you'll know I'm desperate for anything resembling baseball.

Find the middle ground, boys. Your fans everywhere are waiting to say, "Play ball!"

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