Saturday, June 20, 2020

Frosting Forecast

Woke up to this. Raining so hard we actually had standing water in the front yard while it tried to soak it up as fast as it was falling. So ix-nay on the morning walk.

Didn't take long for Sylvester to roll her eyes. "Rain? You've got to be kidding me. Get these humans out of my house!" Poor girl never catches a break from us when we're working from home. She did this afternoon, though.

Forecast called for 80 percent chance of rain... but 100% chance of cake. Had a few graduation parties to stop into, drop off cards, and say hello a bit. I had an opportunity for cake at each one. For me, a self-proclaimed frosting snob, it had to be worth it. So I only had cake at the middle one where the mom insisted it was the good, sweet kind of frosting. And it was sooooo good. Day made.

Well, seeing some Assumption folks I haven't seen since hoops season also made my day. A well-run party with hand-sanitizing stations and other safety measures in place. And the rain held off all evening so we could be outside a lot, too.

And when we got home after 10 p.m., it turns out our grumpy cat missed us. Or she at least pretended to. For all we know, her forecast was for 100% naps today. Not to be confused with any other day.

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