Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Out of F-f-f-focus

As someone who prides herself in photos that are in focus – or selective focus – I give you my latest failure. Nope, I was not trying to blur out the daisy and have the grass in crisp focus. And nope, I didn't make a mistake with my camera.

My mistake was that I was holding it through a fence to get a closer focus when my wrist rested briefly on the fence and..... ZZAAAPPPP!

Well I'll be damned. It's an electric fence!

How did I not know that? Because my brain was focused on one thing. And it wasn't the wire between me and the flowers.

Don't worry, I'm OK. It brought back memories of childhood, though, when we'd go for walks and want to cut through a farmer's field. We'd have to check to see if the fence was "hot" by placing a thick blade of grass on it. If it fried, we turned around. If nothing happened, we got brave, and grabbed to create space to crawl through. I guess our technique worked because this was my first zapping in my lifetime.

I'll have to keep that old trick in mind the next time my hand needs to trespass somewhere. And no, I was so agitated, I never did get a decent picture of the daisies. I think there's plenty around. I'll try again. Maybe just in a ditch, where my only concern is fat snakes, not hot wires.

Wish me luck!

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