Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hump Day Happy Hour

I'm not sure what the question is, but the answer is kayaking. 

It was sort of spontaneous. Our friend Terri needed to wash the winter dust off her kayak. My hubby had golf league. And Cindy was getting home just in time for me to call it a work day. So we loaded up and headed to nearby Lake Wazeecha for a Ladies Night Out... on the water.

The weather was gorgeous – and so were my companions. We were blessed to have sunshine, relatively calm water, very little boat traffic, and no gnats or mosquitoes! Just a nice 90-minute paddle on the lake, visiting at an appropriate social distance. You know, girl time without the hugs.

What a treat. It definitely took my mind off the lack of any forward progress regarding my car. Grrr. Took our minds off the grave unrest in the states right now. And allowed us to talk about happy things, like our kids and s'mores, of all things. 

My kind of happy hour.

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