Sunday, August 8, 2021

Our Cup Runneth Over

I know what you're thinking. I finally got myself one of them fancy bird baths. Close. But not quite. Though I will say everything that can hold water these days is filled up and overflowing.

After last night's rain and lightning show, our rain gauge showed 3 1/2 inches this morning. Then, we got another round...

We literally had waves across our driveway but I couldn't quite capture that out the front window.  In an hour's time we had another inch and a half – so yes, math fans, 5 inches of rain here in the past 24-30 hours. Uff da.

It did stop a little after 5 p.m. so we cashed in our rain checks and attended the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters baseball game we were supposed to go to last night. It was a good game. They won 7-0 in a no-hitter. Not that I was 100% watching the game. 

Saw a lot people we knew, including my friend Nicki that I used to work with... plus lots of Assumption folks since the 50/50 raffle ticket sales tonight were benefitting our boys basketball team. 

Now it's early to bed and early to rise. Gotta special work project in the morning so my alarm will go off by 530 a.m. Hoping the rain will take a break by then! Surely someone else needs it more than we do!

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