Saturday, August 7, 2021

Rain Check

Pretty much the only reason around here to set an alarm on a Saturday morning is for something fun – either a road trip Up North or a tee time. Today was supposed to be the latter.

Hubby and son #2 were heading to Waupaca to golf. And my neighbor and I were supposed to head into town to golf at 10. Nope on the first – though they went all the way there. And nope on the second – that was an armchair call to cancel. Rain check!


Jim got back home and Sylvester hopped up on his lap and figured this was as good a place as any to sit for the day. Good plan.

While I did find myself suddenly interested in watching Olympic equestrian jumping on TV,  I knew it was just to avoid housework. Still, it was cool to see Bruce Springsteen's daughter compete. Then I did my "Saturday chores" on a Saturday for once.

Since the rain didn't let up (and still hasn't 8 hours later), I hunkered down at my computer and got some of my Alaska digital scrapbook done. It's going to take awhile. Just finished Day 3 and I'm averaging 6-8 pages per day. Still, it will be awesome. Gotta finish it this month sometime. While I need a break from the computer now, tomorrow may be another rain out from everything else.

We were also supposed to go the Wisconsin Rapids Rafter baseball game tonight. The only one this summer and of course, it's raining. Maybe they'll really have a rain delay and start later, but it's been lightning so that will delay it way past our bedtimes. Rain check!

Instead, some friends got ahold of us in time to join them for dinner INDOORS out at Anchor Bay. Was nice to see Chet, Amy and crew. Good to know you can always gather inside and eat and talk and laugh – no matter what the weather.

That also works for sitting in my recliner and reading a good book. Spoiler alert: That's where I'm headed next.

Hope the rain didn't or doesn't spoil your weekend!

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