Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Deet-tails on Them Skeeters

At some point you knew the mosquitoes had to come out. We honestly got by over half the summer without them. Now, they're out in full force.

I wouldn't have noticed them except for spending a few hours outdoors on a photo shoot. Thanks to the mom for carrying bug spray in her van. I always have mine in my golf bag in my vehicle. But since hubby needed my vehicle tonight, I was driving his big truck. No repellent in there but I felt like I ruled the world, barreling down the highway like a bad-ass, sitting on two pillows to see over the dash.

Even with the blood-suckers out, we had a great shoot in the Rudolph area. Sort of.

It was awesome to have the mom and daughter have props all figured out. 

Including suitcases on the railroad tracks...

And laying in the middle of the road with her music and cello. That's correct. There's no traffic in Rudolph!

I'll have to trust the rest turned out. I am ready for ice cream and bed. And probably a de-DEET-ing shower. 

Dang skeeters!

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