Tuesday, August 31, 2021

And August Sneaks to a Close

August came to a gorgeous close.  This is my drive-by shooting – camera shooting – going over the Nepco Lake bridge on Highway 13 tonight. Just clicked. Didn't look. This is the best of 7. Ha.

Today felt fall-like. Mid-70s at best and low humidity – in my opinion. But the mosquitoes are out in full force – at least on my photo shoot tonight. Uff da. I wish they sucked fat instead of blood. Then I wouldn't mind so much!

The end of August also marks 544 days out of the office. Yes, that includes weekends and holidays but still, that's a lot of days!

For my future self to read, we had planned to go back to office after Labor Day weekend. Then COVID-19 introduced a sketchy Delta variant. So even though a good number of people are vaccinated (including our fam), many companies like mine are remaining cautious before throwing dozens or hundreds or thousands of co-workers together again.

So, sort of like we can never predict the exact colors of a sunset, we can't predict where this pandemic life will go next. 

Stay safe out there! Have a good September!

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