Monday, August 2, 2021

Still in a Haze

Noticed on the way home tonight that we're still in a bit of a haze here in central Wisconsin due to wildfires (thankfully) in some other corner of the world.

Must be why my golf game stunk so bad tonight, too!

Was subbing in the Monday night league and we had a scramble format tonight. No pressure, right? Somehow I became the Simone Biles of golf. Not to make light of her situation at all. I'm just saying it was like I had never golfed and lost myself in the air. Can golfers get the "twisties"? I'm pretty sure we can.

Oh well. I still had fun and they didn't kick me to the curb or anything. Probably just made them grateful for their 4th team member when she returns.

It was a nice way to start the week. Now I'm going to watch the real gymnasts – even though I know how it ends! There will be twists (in a good way) and turns and in the end, much like the hazy sunset, it will be golden.

Have a great week!

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