Saturday, August 21, 2021

Teeing It Up

Today was my second golf scramble of the week and I can't tell you much fun it's been. I mean I could tell you, but you probably don't care. 

Let's just say we were so grateful the weather gods cooperated after forecasts indicated earlier in the week that we'd have a rainy day for the 9th annual John Swendrowski Memorial Golf Outing today. Turned out it was a little wet and steamy – but sunny!

After last night's game to kick off the season, it was fun to do this event benefitting the Royals football team program.

Jim and I were on our own teams. Mine was the wives of his team plus a 4th for both that weren't married to each other.

Had an absolute blast with Sara, Lori, and Mary. There times I was laughing so hard I couldn't hit the ball. And other times I just couldn't hit it well for unknown reasons. We were hot and sticky and probably stinky. But it was so fun!

Afterwards, we had a great fajita buffet for dinner and then all kinds of prizes – of which I was not a winner. That's OK. It was a super way to spend a summer Saturday. Pretty sure we're all going to sleep good tonight.

After a shower. Definitely after a shower. 

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