Saturday, November 13, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 13 :: Funny

They say laughter is the best medicine. And I believe it. Even when you laugh so hard you can't breathe – as shown in this picture of spontaneous laughter from sister weekend – it still feels so good.

Day 13. Something funny.

I am grateful that I find plenty of moments to smile and laugh each day. It helps that my hubby has a great sense of humor and that when he's not around, I crack myself up. Hey, I'm a great audience! 

But I do love hearing funny stories or great puns. 

We had a wedding today for Jim's cousin's daughter. There was always a funny anecdote shared during the toasts at tonight's reception. Even if you didn't know some of the people involved in the little stories, they were still worth a chuckle at least. 

Especially when the DJ informed the crowd that the bride and groom would not kiss if you clinked your glasses. You had to come up and tell a story about them. So one of the little flower girls went up there, grabbed the mic and said, "Once upon a time, Hannah and Gary got married. And they lived happily ever after!"  

How precious is that?

Humor is often best when it's not planned out – despite the popularity of comedians. Jim and I still laugh about something funny Carter said years and years ago. And it was about being funny of all things...

It was probably his most memorable "lost in translation" moment. I don't recall exactly what it was that Carter did or said, but we told him he was funny. He said, "Like Larry?" And we're thinking, Larry who? Is that an imaginary friend or what? So we ask him, "Like Larry?" And he replies, "Yeah, funny how Larry is."

How Larry is. 

How. Larry. Is? 

Oh, that's how-larry-is. Hilarious!

Every time we'd hear something and point out it's was hilarious, he thought we were saying that's "how Larry is"! 

That is hilarious, isn't it?

Thank you, Lord, for reason to smile! So grateful.


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