Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Days 16 and 17

Due to a late evening posting some basketball photos – yes, tis the season finally – I opted to hit the sack last night instead of blogging. So I'll cheat and combine days 16 and 17 so I don't fall behind.

Day 16: Something that's helped you.
Day 17. Someone in your family.

Whoa. We have a double challenge that could be combined if I had the same answer. And I basically do. Something that's helped me is my family. All of them.

There's something about family that's so wonderful, yet brutally honest. On the plus side, they know everything about you. They know your history and don't judge you. On the flip side, they know you so well you can't B.S. them either!

Combine that with a sense of humor and a ton creativity, and it's the right recipe for us. For the 8 R's.

Our parents say we're a bit of an anomaly. Beyond the R-R-R-un on the letter R. Here we are ages 50-70 and we still like each other. Still want to see each when we can. Still place emphasis on attending family gatherings. And keeping in touch. 

And still, with our 8 competitive streaks (well 9, counting Mom), can sit down and play cards or some game and, win or lose, laugh until our faces are red (redder than usual) and our sides ache. 

That's what saves me. That's what helps me... Humor. Laughter. And sharing a joyful moment with the people I'm most grateful for!


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