Monday, November 22, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 22 :: Smell

Today's Gratitude Challenge is kind of a trick question. The sense of smell has become very important these days.

Day 22. A favorite smell.

While the delightful fragrance of a Farmhouse Pumpkin Patch is wafting through my house, we're all grateful we can smell anything since loss of smell is one of the common symptoms/side effects of COVID-19.

So I'm super thankful I can smell this and, knock on wood, will smell the pumpkin pies baking and turkey cooking later this week. 

I do really love the smell of certain things baking. Chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake or brownies, my Hornets Nest Cake, and banana break. I'm thankful when I smell things baking because it usually means something special is about to happen – a birthday, a potluck for work (when I was AT an office), or a cookie exchange. (Looking forward to our annual family one this Saturday!)

I love the smell of lilacs because it means spring is here. The smell of fresh cut grass because it's a sign of summer. I love the smell of jasmine and ginger – but only on Maui, ha. The smell of an orange as you're first peeling it.

I'm grateful for the smell of buttered popcorn because that means I'm at a movie with a friend. Or about to sit in my recliner and relax for a bit (which may or may not involve a Hallmark movie).

I'm probably getting way too many food-related smells here. So I'm doubly thankful I do not have the double-whammy of losing smell and taste as part of the fun virus.

Be careful out there. And be grateful!


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