Friday, November 19, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Days 18 and 19

I wasn't planning to combine two days of the 25-day Gratitude Challenge again. But again, I skipped blogging because I was up pretty late editing pictures from the girls first hoops game of the season (at Stratford) – the Royals won, of course – and went to bed after midnight as it was. So here are days 18 and 19.

Day 18. A favorite sound.
Day 19. Something sweet.

Can you believe I can successfully combine two challenges with one answer again? I can!

One of my favorite sounds is a telephone call from boy, who as you know, is quite a sweetie!

I know I've shared this picture before but it's so Carter at that age. I just love it. Always, always wearing his backwards Nike cap. And most likely – even at age 4 – having a very grownup conversation with a grandparent.

Neither part has changed much. Except I can't hold him on my lap anymore when he's doing either of those things.

I'm grateful for memories and grateful for photos and scrapbooks that I can turn the page and turn back time when I want. At least until I see him again in, oh, 114 hours. That'll be sweet, too!

Hug your littles while they're little! They grow up so fast.


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