Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Woke up to a Thanksgiving Day dusting of snow today. Well, a little more than a dusting, but we were still surprised. Pretty sure it was not in our forecast unless we read right over it knowing we were staying put today.

We hosted my in-laws and Carter and that was it. Just 5 of us. But I'll glad I baked 2 pumpkin pies. Yum.

I cooked two turkey breasts and successfully made my mother-in-law's dressing. And had the usual corn, cranberries and mashed potatoes. Nothing fancy but it sure eats up a day preparing. 

Now we're in our tryptophan comas. Had dinner at 4-ish (had to go on the elders' eating schedule). And was fighting sleep by 6 p.m. Gonna power through and hope to make it until 9!

Hope you had a Thanksgiving filled with as many blessings as the calories consumed today. Wow. I am VERY blessed then! 

And full.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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