Monday, November 15, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 15 :: More Food

I know I already talked about ice cream as a food I love (see day 3), but now we are moving onto other yummies we enjoy.

Day 15. Your favorite foods.

I'll just say right off the bat that I like spicy food. Like buffalo or Thai curry or mango habanero. But there's a reason I'm actually grateful for it. No, this has nothing to do with the digestive system!

Here's my buffalo chicken sandwich from tonight at Guu's on Main in Stevens Point.  I never make buffalo chicken anything at home but I love it. So I order it when I'm out to eat. And that's never when I'm by myself.

So I'm grateful for buffalo chicken. That means I'm enjoying a meal with hubby or family or, in tonight's case, some friends from work. It's more than tasty food. It's a sign of good company, good conversation, and usually a good amount of laughs.

Food does that in a lot of scenarios, doesn't it? I mean the big holidays are centered around meals like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and a good old Easter or Mother's Day brunches. Holidays mean food. And for me, means family. 

So if I never had to step on a scale again – or fit into work clothes again – I'd be super thankful for food in my life. Now, it's mainly the treat that goes with it. Bon apetit!


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