Saturday, November 20, 2021

Gratitude Challenge Day 20 :: Freedom

Today's challenge brought to you by... a pumpkin spice latte, of course! At least I didn't say eggnog something. I'm trying to stick with the current season! Although I do have the freedom to drink either whenever I want.

Day 20. Freedom.

Such a small word can encompass so much. I am so grateful for my freedom – from my freedom to vote to my freedom to pick fancy coffee drink flavors.

I can't even comprehend the amount of freedom I have compared to a lot of people in and outside our borders.

When I got up this morning, without needing permission, I had the freedom to drive a vehicle I own to a coffee shop, where we had the freedom to openly discuss a book. Unsupervised. We had the freedom to share opinions – on the book and other topics – without fear of persecution.

I had the freedom to stop into two local businesses – both owned by women, who are free to own property. I had the freedom to spend money I earned because I am free to pursue a career. By the way, I didn't exercise that freedom. But formed a wish list in my head.

I had the freedom today to enjoy nature by walking around the lake with a friend. No one charged us to use the path. No one told us which direction we had to go. Though we knew it would be counterclockwise since yesterday was a clockwise day.

Hubby and I did not participate in opening day of the gun-deer season, but we have the freedom to do so as law-abiding citizens.

While he is meeting with hunter buddies to hear their stories at a local establishment, I was free to watch a Hallmark movie or two. 

I also had the freedom to operate a broom and run my Dyson vacuum cleaner that I purchased with my own money years ago. But I passed on those. Not because I'm taking that freedom for granted. 

But I had the freedom to say "tomorrow."

Today, though, I'm really grateful for freedoms big and small. They sure add up to a good Saturday.


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