Thursday, July 12, 2012

Car Show :: Day 1

I sometimes worry I am getting so used to the car show crowd that nothing seems photographically freakish anymore! Am I just used to it??

Well, I did find just a handful of photo ops the first day of the sweltering show...

Fashion tip 101: You can always spice up your "Daisy Dukes" with black socks. I'm sexy and I know it...

Paging Dr. Feelgood... When there's a danger of heat stroke, it's always good to have someone nearby in their surgical scrubs. Just in case...
Time to make the doughnuts!

"Hello, Elvis? Have you left the building?"
"Yes, I have, but my twin is still there!"

Heavy metal: This guy was born to be wild and never stopped. Nice heavy metal chain around the neck -- and a variety of tattoos on both arms. Dude!

Orange you glad Mom dressed you today? I guess if Mom or Dad scoot way ahead, you can still find them!
This is how I roll...
Goin' on a lion hunt! Or maybe just hunting for car parts or some of our great car books!
What heat? Every little princess needs sunblock like this! (And a ride!)

Speaking of sunblock... Either he laid it on a little thick on the beard area or he ran out of water in the middle of his shave this morning. Either way he's UV safe!
"We'll hold our ZZ Top reunion concert right over there."
"Do you think the chicks will dig my farmer's tan?"
My lovely view for the day ... when not blocked by other distractions! I can handle that!


Dewey Setlak said...

Take a look at the 6th picture, those were nice tats! I could remember my father listening to those heavy metal types of music back in the days. Anyway, this only proves that car shows attracts any type of person, whether they are rock music lovers or hip-hop music fanatics. It doesn't change a thing when it comes to cars. :)

Delsie Maidens said...

Hey, Dewey! I guess the person with nice tattoos prefers vintage cars over concept ones. What do you think? I can see it from his stance and appearance. Anyway, I think vintage cars were created to promote aesthetic quality, while cars of today are more about power and speed functions. I'm not saying that cars today are not beautiful, but speed is the priority over design. Well, it's just my opinion, though. :)

Erwin Calverley said...

Hey, those scooters are so cute! I'm sure those folks enjoyed peeking over the cars while riding those! Aside from the wide variety of cars, stuff like those are what makes car shows such fun and successful events.

Erwin Calverley