Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Shorts

Sunday briefly...

Church-Front Finale: Got up for 8 o'clock church and had to get going early since Carter had to acolyte. I think this might have been his last time doing it since he gets confirmed in October and a new batch of 7th-grade confirmation students comes in. That's good. Carter knows what he's doing but gets so nervous. Then I'm sitting with him getting nervous for him! It will be nice to return to our back pew. Ha.

Step-Deprived: I have so busy doing nothing or something close to it, I've struggled to get my steps in the last few days. So today, when we got home from church I made sure I got a 2-mile walk in before the rain started (turned out to be sprinkling only) and before I had to get busy on projects. Now I am sitting with over 10,000 steps for the day. Finally!

Rearrangement: My "project" continues to be basement cleanup, decluttering and reorganization. Oh yes, this will take me another month, but I made some headway with my 2 days off and having time today. I've thrown out everything impacted by the flooding in our basement when the sump pump went ka-putt. Now it's putting things into plastic totes (I'm sick of wet, mildewy cardboard boxes) and organizing them logically in the basement. I'm not done getting rid of stuff, though. I am setting stuff aside for Goodwill or the spring garage sale as I work. This is long overdue but I'll be happy (in a few months, ha) when it's done.

Choking Hazard: OK I'm not talking about Brewers, who seem to be choking a lot lately. I am talking about this nagging night-time cough I've had for weeks and weeks. I end up sleeping with a cough drop in my mouth (so not a good idea) and take it out when I'm done coughing or I wake up and there's some left. I finally remembered to buy some NyQuil today so we'll see if that works any better tonight. The only problem is I might not stay awake through all my Olympic coverage. Good thing there's always the Internet!

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