Friday, July 13, 2012

Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Car Show Day 2

I'm pretty sure it's not the best set of circumstances to have a car show on Friday the 13th. Or any event. Well, for me, it was unlucky before I even got there.

I definitely have that paraskavedekatriaphobia they associate with today!

First I am on my way to work, drinking out of a small bottle of Coke Zero. I had the cover on loosely so it was easier to get at while driving. When I got to the car show grounds, I grabbed my bag of everything -- that's phone to purse to camera -- and put my bottle of pop in there with plans to finish it when I got to my vending station.

I wasn't even to the entrance gate before I felt something dripping down my leg. Ugh. My Coke was everywhere in the bag and seeping through. Guess who was in too much of a hurry to tighten that cover? Oh boy. So before I even get out to the show grounds, I washed my shorts in the bathroom sink at work and dried them with the wall-mounted hair dryer thing, saved my camera from its wet bag and wiped down my wet and sticky cell phone.

Well the camera still works as far as I can tell. The phone, though, is shot.

But my shorts are still clean.

The rest of the day was just plain hot. Then, after the show, we held a Wine and Cheese Party for the owners of the "Blue Ribbon" section cars, other show VIPs and our advertisers in attendance. Usually we are just serving as bar tenders. I poured a lot of wine. It was going quite well when suddenly it started to rain!

Oh how we need rain!! Not in the middle of an outdoor party necessarily or during a car show with exposed expensive cars necessarily. But otherwise, we really, really need it. Even if we all got wet!

I figured that was a fitting end to the day. Thankfully I got home safely with no issues. I even bought a cheap replacement phone and stuck my old one in a bag of rice. You just never know. The way we've all been with our electronics lately, it's a good thing we bought a huge box of rice!

Did I take pictures today? Some. I was in a different spot and it didn't work quite as well for me to be inconspicuous. I may have to share after the weekend. I need to pack for our last baseball tourney first... and get sleep so I can head back to the show in 8 hours.

Happy Friday the 13th!

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