Friday, July 20, 2012


We were home today. Hubby was working and I was not. I was taking a post-car show free time day. Since I am still recovering from the show, this was much, much needed.

First, it felt good to finally get 8 hours of sleep. Haven't had that in a week. Soooo nice.

Secondly, it felt good to get to my chiropractor. The standing, lifting, straining during my work at the car show took its toll. Every part of my back and neck was noisily moving itself back into place under Dr. Tom's capable hands. That helped a lot. As a bonus, I had hoped to get to my friend the massage therapist, but she unfortunately was just leaving town. I'll have to get her next week.

Didn't get much done for being at home today. Had errands to run and little things to cross off my list.

Carter was busy getting volunteer hours at the Assumption H.S. Athletic Association Golf Scramble. He was there at 6 a.m. (thank you, hubby, for getting up) to help with the bag drop, getting the contestants' clubs in their appropriate carts. After that, he got to hang around some target competition on the driving range and help with that until the next bag drop started at 11:30 for the afternoon shift.

He had a few funny stories to tell us, including his amazement about some "old guy" who was able to hit the "target" something like 4 out of 5 times. Some old guy? Dad asks, "How old?" Carter replies, "I don't know. Like 30 or 40."

Uff da. I do remember when I thought that was old, too. In fact, even in my early 20s, 40 for sure was old.

Not anymore!

After Carter's shifts were done, he went golfing with a buddy. When they were done, we picked him up on our way to Stevens Point to watch some our girls play in the softball tournament there. We wrapped up our time in Point with dinner at Mitchell's Hilltop Pub & Eatery. Yummy stuff there.

I was too full for cheesecake or dessert of any kind. You know I'm full if I didn't suggest King Cone on the way home.

And I still survived. TGIF!

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