Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Trails!

Today was the big sendoff for Carter and 6 other high-schoolers from our church who are going backpacking and camping in Michigan's Porcupine Mountains this week.

Actually it wasn't that big of a sendoff. Trust me, after how stressful and time-consuming packing seemed to be (for me!), I was glad to see him finally hit the trail.

You know I'm not telling the truth.

I think we had everything he needed and we kept having to pare it down. I couldn't stress enough that every little thing weighed something and would add to the overall weight he'd be carrying on his back this week. I know he's used to carrying a very heavy backpack for school... but he doesn't have to carry that for miles. I think that finally sunk in but we still had to scale back on unnecessary clothes, etc. He did good. He even figured out my Bible weighs a few ounces less than his, so he took mine.

Early this afternoon, he got a ride to church and camp so I got to say goodbye at home. Of course I gave him hugs and kisses and said I'd miss him. And being a typical teenager, he had to torment me and say something like, "Mom, get used to it. In four years I'll be gone for good."

Thank you, dear, just break my heart one tiny piece at a time!

Uff da.

It's like he wants to be sure we won't miss him. Ha. That's just not going to happen. I'll worry that it's too hot for him -- projected highs in the low 80s most of the days, or whether he's safe -- from everything from thunderstorms to wild animals. I'll just worry.

And miss him.

And be grateful he has this awesome opportunity to bond with friends and God's creation. Happy trails, Carter!

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