Sunday, July 1, 2012

Divine Decade

What I wouldn't give for tomorrow off!

It's late and we are all tired. Hubby and I had a great time in Door County. Today we golfed The Orchards at Egg Harbor golf course. We had golfed it several years ago, too. It pretty much brought me to my knees but I did get one par!! And two times I was putting for birdie... but that didn't happen.

It was plenty hot, too. I think just upper 80s, though, which is far cooler than 10 years ago on this date. Jim and I were walking down the aisle in the thankfully air-conditioned Little White Chapel by the Courthouse while outside it was 112 degrees along the Vegas strip!

Yup, 10 years. A whole decade!

I had a divine weekend -- one of 520 -- with my sweetie! Sure, we missed Carter. But he had a blast at this friend's house, tubing on the lake, four-wheeling, etc.

We all got home and reconvened as a family this evening. No need for supper since Carter was fed and we made our own little stop at King Cone on the way home. Had plenty to get cleaned up and organized around here. They were such full days away it seems like we were gone a week!

Now it's way past our bedtime so we better hit the hay.

Or is that "make hay"? I don't know if old married couples still do that. Ha.

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