Friday, July 27, 2012

Opening Ceremonies

We're watching the opening ceremonies for the summer Olympics in  London. Since they are doing the "parade of nations" part now, I figure I've got an hour before they get to the U.S. of A. Not that the other costumes (for lack of a better word) aren't interesting, but I figured I'd blog now.

I asked Carter to be by guest blogger, but he declined. He said, '"Just tell them I made it home. Keep them in suspense. They'll just have to wait to see me in person to get the details."

I'm sure the suspense is killing you. So spoiler alert for most of you who won't see him in person any time soon. He had a fun time. I don't know that he'll do the whole hiking/camping thing again. But he said the Porkies were beautiful and, despite the rains, it was pretty darn cool.Or maybe he said "righteous" or it was "beast." Yup, he picked up some new teen lingo this week that bridges the parent-child gap further.

Yep, he did not rush to my arms to hug me like he used to do after absences from Mom and Dad. I sort of had to force it out of him. We definitely missed him way more than he missed us.That is something I'll have to get used to. He predictably raced to his iPod and his spot on the couch. Sort of like he never left!

For supper we had to take him to Hong Kong Buffett. That's about as far from camp food as you can get.

Got home in time for the opening ceremonies, which was was preceded by an Olympic-worthy juggling demonstration. Oh yes, it's good to have our baby back!

Let the games begin!

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