Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stars and Stripes

Oh, say can you see?... The mercury on the thermometer reaching its peak?

It's been a hot 4th of July. That's an understatement. We actually reached triple digits here in Wisconsin Rapids as you can see by Carter's iPod photo above. I suspect most of the stars and stripes people were seeing today had little to do with Independence Day... more like seeing stars due to heat stroke and stripes due to sunburn.

One of these days we really should make a national holiday for the guy who invented air conditioning. I don't know what we would have done without it today. I probably still would have been in bed 'til noon. (Yes, Carter and I tied for the lazy award.) But I certainly wouldn't have spent time cleaning the house. I was still working up a sweat in the A/C.

The only time we ventured outside was a quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up a few groceries. I did walk around the neighborhood after supper to get some steps, but I didn't add many. It's still 93 degrees at 8:30! I put a few items of clothes out on the deck to dry and it only took 10 minutes. Uff da.

We are going to bypass fireworks tonight. Plus we need to be home to wait for my niece Caryn and grand-nephew Anthony to arrive. Caryn and I are going to the Women's U.S. Open Golf Championship tomorrow at Black Wolf Run in Kohler. Are we nuts? Yes. We will likely melt (like everyone else) but we already got the tickets so we're going to make the best of it... in the shade... or under an umbrella... spending most of our money on bottled water!

I'm hot just thinking about it. I better go cool off on the couch. In the meantime, enjoy this flag-waving  sunset photo from Door County.
Happy Fourth of July!!

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