Monday, July 23, 2012

Aging Process

Came across this photo today and found it quite fitting. I don't think I'm the only one guilty of this. We become so busy with our own lives -- centered around our children and our own family unit, that it sometimes takes a special effort to think of those outside it.

I worry about Carter growing up so fast, forgetting sometimes that simultaneously, my parents have become elderly. Some days even old and frail.

I pray for them every day but that's not the same as calling them as often as I should. Or getting in the car and driving those 4 hours to see them. We spend 2 hours in the car every day as it is, so it's not that much of a stretch really.

It's unfortunate that we are reminded of their age and declining health when they become sick again or discover some new pain or ailment.

My 84-year-old dad has been suffering from Shingles since last fall. They say it strikes the elderly worse than any other demographic -- and my dad is proof of that. It's 9 months now (with a heart attack in that time period, too) that he has dealt with the crippling pain only those who have suffered with Shingles would understand. My 80-year-old mother has become his caretaker and done everything she can to alleviate the pain and help him. Unfortunately, they still have found themselves in the ER a half-dozen times this year because the pain was just "too much" for Dad to handle. And my mother was out of options.

One of the things that has helped temporarily is pain medication, but that makes Dad drowsy and "out of it" and that's not good. He's not the same anymore. He's lost his spunk and maybe even some of his stubbornness. Maybe.

Of course, all of us kids are worried naturally -- for both Dad and Mom. There comes a time when it's too much for an elderly woman with osteoporosis to take care of an elderly man with Shingles, diabetes, high blood pressure and Lord knows what else.

They have tried to convince us they can handle this so I guess I'll just keep praying God will give them the strength.

And throw some our way, too... along with patience, acceptance and understanding. Just to name a few.

Love your parents!

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