Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Holi-Graze

There's that period of time starting at Thanksgiving and ending on New Year's that can only be described as the "holi-graze." One endless grazing festival at family gatherings, cookie exchanges, potlucks, company parties and more.

It's no wonder we have to fight the Festive Fifteen every year!

Despite some pretty good food over the Turkey Days, my official "graze" didn't kick off until today. (Pat myself on back while I can still reach it.)

Instead of an off-site Christmas party, we have opted for a lunch-time holiday potluck at work the last few years. The company provides the Roast Beast and beverages, and we all bring the sides and sweets.

I am not a fan of roast beast sandwiches, but I had no trouble filling my plate with two different jello salads, cheesy potatoes, BBQ meatballs and more. No room for dessert! But that was easy to solve. As a card-carrying member of the Clean Plate Club, I made room.

Now you know when there is a full dessert TABLE, a person cannot just take one treat. I certainly wouldn't want to be the Grinch that offends those other bakers. Without realizing it, one might take more than one treat. Or more than two.

Then there's that moment you get back to your seat and you look down and see two cookies and a large white chocolate and candy cane-covered pretzel. Ohmigosh, I took three desserts! Before I could say it, though, my co-worker and I realized our plates were identical. AND that we both held a treat in our hands that we both had started eating on our way back to the table.

It was immediately understood that anything consumed en route could not be held against us.

Company Christmas Potluck: 1, Robyn's Willpower: 0

See how easy it is to fall prey to the sweet lure of Tinsel Time Treats? It is so hard to say NO-el!

Let the guilt-free grazing begin!

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