Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying Goodbye to 2013

I usually like to take time to reflect on the previous year in my last blog before taking the calendar off the wall. But I didn't spend much time on that.

I didn't need to.

Other than the sickness and eventual death of my father, it actually was a wonderful year. It went way too fast, but it was good.

Our health was good and I shed a little extra poundage. We both remained employed (and Carter, too). Hubby embarked on a new career venture that is proving quite positive, while I am expanding some "work" on my creative side. Teen boy is doing well in school and his extra curriculars.

I had some memorable times with old friends and met many new -- through a rewarding mission trip and involvement in some civic and church activities.

It was so much better than the multitude of challenges I had in 2012 that I can't believe I ever doubted God was going to bless me again. And again.

I don't know what 2014 holds in store, but if spending the last afternoon and evening of 2013 having a great time with friends I hold dear is any sign, I think I'm going to like it!

(I even stayed up until midnight in our time zone AND the next. That's gotta be a good sign!)

I hope you, too, found many 2013 blessings to count. May you have many more in 2014.

Happy New Year!

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