Monday, December 9, 2013

Sounds of the Season

Got our live holiday music fix tonight at the Assumption Band Christmas Concert!

There was an entertaining mix of groups and songs. We heard from the hand bell ringers, the trumpet band, the jazz band and the full concert bands for the middle and high schools -- first separately, then combined for one final song.

Carter's fans included Grandma Austin, Aunt Sherry, Uncle Baird, Dad and Mom (the paparazzi). As usual, he hid himself well so no major photo to speak of. I did attempt video, though, on my smart phone. If the sound is OK, just listen. I know the image isn't clear and it's unlikely you'll see Carter on the far left unless you recognize the large top of his baritone. He's sitting behind a row of middle-schoolers not playing at the time. So it's doubtful.

They all sounded good, though, but I am giving you Feliz Navidad -- their shortest song.

Enjoy the sounds of the season!

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