Saturday, December 28, 2013

Indian Summer or Something

Well that Indian Summer we never got this fall finally arrived today -- a few months late. That's what it felt like anyway!

When it's 42 degrees, no one around here needs a jacket outside. Just a sweatshirt will do. AND we didn't even have to turn the heat up from the overnight setting.

That's Wisconsin tough.

It was sunny all day so I thought it was a perfect day to clean out a closet. Now, follow me. It does make sense. I just prefer projects like that with lots of natural light in a room. It motivates me. Otherwise, it's dark and depressing and I would rather sit on the couch and watch a movie.

I think I still would have preferred that, but I stuck to my goal.

Since moving my Scrap Cave into Carter's old room, I hadn't completely emptied his closet. The whole top shelf was filled with a mix of bedding and old Halloween costumes and sports gear and clothes he's outgrown. A lot was stacked up there.

I felt like I was re-living his childhood through the pillow cases alone... Sesame Street to Dinosaurs to Power Rangers! Awww. Where did that little boy of mine go?

I did manage to get a healthy pile together to go to Goodwill and set the rest aside to sell.  I felt good about that. Since Jim was up in Point watching a basketball game with a buddy, I had Carter drive me around town for practice. First dropping off the cardboard (lots of Christmas boxes) at the recycling center, then a small load at Goodwill, then a brief trip to ShopKo to get him a 2014 wall calendar, then a stop for late lunch/early supper at Polito's Pizza.

One must be rewarded for one's hard work, right?

After practicing some "Y turns" on the way home, we got home as the sun was starting to set. Yup that process still starts around 4 p.m. despite Indian Summer. So I took a quick walk just to enjoy the nice temperatures before it got dark. Glad I took those pretty pictures yesterday as the snow had melted off or fallen off all those branches today!

Tonight it's a relaxing night at home. While Carter was watching a movie downstairs, I watched another Christmas movie (I actually did cry at the end of this one) and then Jim and I played cards (3 to 13). I only mention that since I beat him. By one point. But a win is a win.

I suppose I better log off the computer and give him a chance to redeem himself. It may seem spring-y out today but we have a long winter (a.k.a. Card Season) ahead and I need more practice!

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