Sunday, March 23, 2014

Forward, March!

It was deceptively sunny today. The cold reality, though, is this: It's March 23 and the high was 23 degrees.

I am not liking this pattern. But it did make this image below 100 percent appropriate...

Am I right or am I right?

Needless to say, it was an indoor day. Probably best so I didn't push my limit with this cough crapola. Got up for early church, kindly declined the "passing of the peace" and managed to get through the service with only 3 cough drops.

Have been trying some various remedies from the lozenges to the new DayQuil "Severe" and my old prescription cough pills from when I had bronchitis a month ago. The reason I had some left is because I did not find them effective. The second time around and the same holds true. Who'd have thunk it?

I concentrated today on some of my 40 Bags in 40 Days Lenten mission, which obviously is waaaaay off schedule due to my travels last week. I will say I probably photographed about 40 items for sale and posted those on my "online garage sale" sites on Facebook. Hopefully a few things sell so it was worth my time.

Then I dragged a big garbage bag to the basement "living area" (aka ping-pong, game room). Put a few obvious items in for disposal and then, frankly, did not know how to proceed. I was flummoxed. (Isn't that a great word that needs more use?)

So I gave up for now and will have to create a game plan for that "play room." Basically, anything that looks like it came from a Happy Meal gets tossed. Anything "stuffed" probably smells old and can join them. As for books and books and decent toys, I can't decide if I price them for the babysitter's garage sale or donate them or what. I know donating is quickest, but I also know kids items go well at her sale.

I guess I should quit typing and get working.

Transform my Spring Forward in March to a full-blown "Forward, March!"

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