Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Drawing a Blank

My whiteboard creativity took a nose dive today. Yesterday I had a countdown of 10 days to the opening of King Cone in Rapids. Today I just crossed off the 10 and put a 9. "I'm drawing a blank!" I said. Then realized I could draw a blank.

Oh ha. I told you dry-erase markers are the best thing. Ever.

For those of us who need a life at the office, that is.

Since Monday my primary focus at work has been sitting properly. Don't tell the boss. I mean I do other things, but I have laser focus on my body positioning.

After putting up with a week of an on-and-off pinched "psychotic" nerve, I saw the chiropractor Monday. Turns out I did have the proper diagnosis, but was surprised at the cause.

So I have a right pelvic bone rotated forward and the left is back. There is stress on my gluteus medius muscle (who knows how to spell that, just consider it the upper left cheek) which, in turn, is pinching the sciatica. This was not caused by kickboxing. Kickboxing merely called attention to it. Turns out I have been sitting at an odd angle for hours at a time while staring at my second computer monitor at work. It sits just to the right and I apparently forgot my chair swivels. Talk about drawing a blank!

The good doctor will work on my realignment and I have to work on my posture and angles. I have caught myself multiple times in the last two days at work sitting straight with the upper body turned right. I have to yell at myself, "Swivel!"

At least the nerve is no longer pinched. Had my second adjustment today and it's feeling better. The chiropractor said I could go to kickboxing and it would not make it any worse. It was up to me how much discomfort I want to endure before this saga of treatments and recovery is over. So I went to class tonight and my drill sergeant took it easy on me. We just kept it low key and warmed up the muscles. If I started drawing a blank and wanted to kick like normal, he'd tell me, "Don't do that!"

It's probably a good thing nobody trusts my memory. At some point I'll remember all the clever things I was going to blog about today, too.

I wonder if a person can get their brain cells aligned, too...

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